  • Suraj School, Sec- 2,

    Near NH-8, Bawal

    01284-2645540, 8222999801


Welcome To A Great Beginning
at Suraj School, Bawal

The Perfect Launchpad. Which is what SURAJ School is all about. We are not one school, but many. Each, a starting block to mould ideas. Build personalities. Chisel talent.And give your child the one thing he or she needs to become great at. The Perfect Start

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A 360 Degree Approch for your Child

State-of-the-art-Infrastructure Discovery Center for Pre-Primary Dedicated & Trained Staff Well Equipped Laboratories GPS Enabled Transport Facilities

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vision & Mission

VISION: Every child has potential and every child is special.
MISSION: At Suraj we prepares students to understand, contribute and succeed in the society, by making the world a better place.

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27 Jun
Daily Activity Of Summer Vacations
2024-06-27 11:14:58 Bawal

To engage our students during the summer vacations, they were given a task to water the plants at their home and were told how the plants are important for us.

06 Jun
Protecting Nature For Future Generations
2024-06-06 11:57:51 Bawal

Wishing you a day filled with appreciation for nature’s beauty.

01 Jun
Roman Numerals
2024-06-01 15:52:40 Bawal

Class 3rd FD at Suraj School Bawal dives into the world of Roman Numerals, sparking curiosity and exploration in every student!

28 May
Nurturing 21st Century Skills At Suraj School, Bawal
2024-05-28 09:37:08 Bawal

The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.

28 May
Achievers Felicitation Ceremony
2024-05-28 09:36:29 Bawal

Today, we had the honor of celebrating the remarkable achievements of our Class 10 and 12 students at Suraj School, Bawal.

25 May
Messages Of Love And Sunshine
2024-05-25 11:44:30 Bawal

Only a few things are priceless for me in this world, one of them is your smile every morning.

15 May
Mother’s Day Celebration
2024-05-15 12:02:20 Bawal

Sending you warm wishes and hugs on Mother’s Day.

15 May
Parent Teacher Meeting
2024-05-15 12:01:15 Bawal

The Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) at SURAJ school Bawal was held to discuss the results of the Unit Test.

15 May
Lord Parashuram Jayanti
2024-05-15 12:00:46 Bawal

Lord Parshuram ji’s manifestation was officially celebrated on the auspicious occasion of Akshay Tritiya on Friday at Suraj School located in Bawal.

15 May
Mother’s Day Card Making Activity
2024-05-15 12:00:04 Bawal

1st & 2 nd class mother’s day card making activity.

09 May
Name Of Experiment
2024-05-09 13:24:50 Bawal

Titration of Oxalic acid of Unknown Molarity with 0.1 M KMnO4 solution.

06 May
Brain Boosting Activity
2024-05-06 10:55:13 Bawal

Brain boosting activity to increase concentration level.

04 May
Happy Principal Day
2024-05-04 10:58:48 Bawal

Happy Principal Day Your impact on our lives can never be forgotten.

30 Apr
Class 11th Medical
2024-04-30 11:03:53 Bawal

To observe the slides of W.B.C and R.B.C in compound microscope.

27 Apr
2024-04-27 11:52:00 Bawal

Measuring of resistance of unknown wire by using meter bridge.

26 Apr
Embarking On A Journey Of Learning And Inspiration
2024-04-26 10:54:45 Bawal

Let’s weave stories of learning, collaboration, and growth together. Good morning, everyone!

23 Apr
Happy Earth Day
2024-04-23 11:05:37 Bawal

Happy Earth Day! Let’s unite to protect our planet and ensure a sustainable future.

16 Apr
World Art Day
2024-04-16 10:52:53 Bawal

No great artist ever sees things as they really are.

15 Apr
Creating Tomorrow From Today
2024-04-15 11:09:03 Bawal

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a present. That’s why we call it ‘The Present Imagination is the beginning of creation.

11 Apr
Courageous Kindness
2024-04-11 11:02:44 Bawal

It’s easy to stand with the crowd, but it takes courage to stand alone Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

10 Apr
Morning Assembly
2024-04-10 11:07:08 Bawal

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.

05 Apr
Math Activity
2024-04-05 11:09:19 Bawal

We teach Class 7 students the principles of BODMAS with precision and expertise.

28 Mar
Annual Parent Teacher Meeting Session 2023-2024
2024-03-28 11:02:41 Bawal

A celebration of progress, collaboration, and shared dedication to education. Congratulations to our graduates!

27 Mar
Holi Celebration
2024-03-27 10:45:19 Bawal

Suraj School Bawal’s Holi celebration is a burst of colors and joy, uniting Surajians in festive fervor.

23 Mar
NLU Graduation Day
2024-03-23 11:03:10 Bawal

Graduation is not the end of a tough journey., It’s the beginning of a beautiful one.

Our Most Popular Activities

Our school is strengthened by very supportive parents who are actively involved in all aspects of their children’s education.

What Our Achieves

We are very proud of our history, our values, our outstanding facilities and the high standards achieved by our students.









Our Achievers (Academics)

What Parents Says, About Suraj School Bawal

Our Student Gallery